Ragged Jack

40 min (minimum) up to 2 hrs
All day sun
Alpine dolerite columns, single pitch
By Roger Parkyn, originally published in Craglets
Ragged Jack is a peak off the north west of Ben Lomond. There are many more routes than are listed here, but this is a sampler of the routes at the easy to find Gaba Tepe area, in particular the high quality routes on the ANZAC Cove buttress. The climbing is typical of this region - dolerite columns. The columns at Ragged Jack are very pure, and not more than 50m in height. The route descriptions are fairly brief, but the lines speak for themselves and should be able to be found by referring to the topo (supplied by Bob McMahon).
Head to the hamlet of Deddington, and turn onto English Town Road. Follow this for 13km (it becomes Ragged Jack Rd at some point), until you reach unmarked RJ7 turn off on the right. This is roughly 700m past big u bend in the road where it crosses River O'Plain Creek. There is a pull out and possible camping site (but no water) a few hundred metres in near a locked gate. It is a 2 hr mostly uphill walk to the crag from here.

OLD ACCESS (Left in case bridge is repaired some day): Head towards the Northern Escarpment of Ben Lomond. Turn off the highway from Launceston onto Ben Lomond Rd (as if heading towards the ski-field and usual climbing areas), but after about 1km turn right onto Ragged Jack Rd (this is the first right from the highway). Follow this for about 8km until you reach a road named RJ7, turn left into this and drive as far as you dare (not that far in 2WD, but further in 4WD).

Follow the road uphill, crossing River O'Plain Creek after about 40 minutes. After the creek crossing the track bends to the left and heads uphill. Shortly after it flattens out (about 25 mins walk from the creek) there is a bushwalkers track on the right marked with cairns and red/white tin lid tags. Head easily up this to an open grassy area (15 mins) - the crag is now visible up and to the right, just below the northern summit. From here head across the scree, planning your route so as to avoid the bands of scrub (pass them on the left). After the track flattens out head through the maze of animal tracks through the bush until just below the northern summit (about 30 mins from the open grassy area to the top of the crag).
A few hundred meters past the bushwalkers cairns/tags on the 4WD track is a climbers cairn marked with an X. Just past this is a nice campsite on the left in a grassy meadow - if your car makes it up this far, this is the best place to camp. This cairn marks the start of a track which is supposedly a better way to walk up if starting from the upper campsite. The 4WD track continues on for several km, passing several major cliffs, both on the left and right. Some of these have routes on them apparently, but there is major potential for new routes out there if you are prepared to walk for hours and hours.

Crag Steward

Rock climbers please contact the Cliff Steward (benlomond@climbersclubtas.org.au) if you have any queries or concerns regarding social or environmental impacts of rock climbing at this crag. Do not email regarding general travel, seasonal advice, or lost property - this is not the Steward’s role. If you have important safety information to communicate (e.g. risks due to recent and large rock falls) please also consider updates on thesarvo forum, facebook group and/or online guidebooks as appropriate. Please copy in cct@climbersclubtas.org.au if you feel you have a high level concern which may imminently impact the crag or climbing community.

Non-climbers, other users, land managers: please also contact cct@climbersclubtas.org.au if you have important climbing related queries at this location.

Quinns Buttress

The top of the route Quinns can be identified by locating the leaning block on top of the crag in the topo (in Memory of a Journey). This is to the climbers right as they top out from the underground chimney. These routes look epic to access scrambling into the base, abseiling in directly down the buttress is recommended.
Bomba Sirt40m17 
The line L of Quinns with a large hakea at the base. Climb up the hakea, pull into the hand/fist crack and follow this to a small ledge at 10m. Up wider crack above past an assortment of holds, chockstones and horizontal breaks. Finish up short squeeze chimney and belay in large alcove just below the top.
Dean Rollins, Lisa Boyle, Feb 2013.

Lone Pine Buttress

The buttress between Quinns Buttress and Anzac Cove with a couple of prominent lines. Access via abseil from the top.
Blood in the Trenches40m20 
Looks alright but is filled with grass, dirt and trees.
Lone Pine40m18 
Nice looking line that climbs well, with a tricky move down low and a solid remainder. The route is a tad dirty and would greatly benefit from a brush (but it is still climbable).


This compact amphitheatre has the highest concentration of quality routes in the area and is well worth a visit. However, as with all areas that are not frequently visited, negotiating moss and lichen are as much a part of the challenge as the climbing itself. Consider rapping your chosen line and giving it a brush on the way down (or bribing your belayer to do so).

Access to the base is best via abseil. With a few metres of tape/cord, it is usually not too much of a hassle to rig your anchor so that the rope pulls; otherwise bring a spare rope to fix. It’s also possible to scramble down the descent gully at the far LH end of the crag.
Sniper's Ridge20m18 
The crack splitting the arête at the LH end of Anzac Cove. Delightful jams, jugs and layaways.
Mike Collie.
The Nek22m20 
Climb the corner with two cracks immediately R of Sniper's Ridge, mostly using the L crack. Tricky down low and harder than it looks.
Robert McMahon.
★★ Chunnuk Bair25m20 
Open book corner L of C.E.W. Bean, with a small hakea at the base. Lots of flared hand and finger jams; technical, insecure and interesting all the way.
Steve Moon.
★★★ C.E.W. Bean28m23 
Twin finger cracks in a recessed column. Sustained thin bridging.
Robert McMahon, Feb 1984.
★★ Tin Trigger30m19 
A great pitch up the the twin crack system R of C.E.W. Bean.
Mick Ling.
The Landing30m21 
The corner R of Tin Trigger with a V-groove at the top.
Neale Smith.
★★★ Blood and Iron45m21 
An unrelenting pitch of sustained finger locking and fine bridging for 30m, followed by a short pitch of grade 19 jamming.
John Fantini, Feb 1984.
★★ Too Low for Zero45m23 
The spearing sustained crack. Finger jam the first 25m until the crack blanks out completely. Bridge (crux) to a small 1cm wide hand hold, then stretch for flared jams and an awkward grade 20 finger crack for the final 15m.
John Fantini, Feb 1984.
It's a Long Way from Tipperary48m21 
The fourth line from the far right - and the offwidth of all offwidths. Brilliant face climbing (crux) for the first 10m leads to a nice but ever widening crack. The finger-crack is nice; the hand-crack is better; the fist-crack is bearable; the offwidth (no runners) is horrible!
G.Narkowicz, M.Ling, Feb 1984.
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