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Comment: Guide edited
  <header id="1" autonumber="true" camping="" access="" history="" intro="Bouldering at Sand River will likely be extensive. To date most of the problems are at the base of existing steep climbing areas. For access information to the areas, see the Sand River route guide." acknowledgement="" rock="Sandstone" sun="Mostly sunny" walk="10-40 mins" name="Sand river"/>
  <text class="heading3" id="14">Barbecue</text>
  <text class="text" id="15">After turning off the dirt road take the left fork for about 100m. Park at the flat area (room for about 3 cars).&lt;br/&gt;Walk along the track until you get to the boulder sitting on an outcrop above the road. Head down hill for about 30m here then turn left towards the obvious overhangs.</text>
  <text class="indentedHeader" id="16">Sandy cave is the first cave you pass. This cave is unusually sandy for Sand River but looks to clean up ok. Plenty of slopey roof problems and small iron rich bands.</text>
  <text class="text" id="17">Past the sandy cave is an expanse of the usual superb Sand River rock.</text>
  <image id="19" width="1000" height="563" src="Barbecue topo_med.jpg">
      <path id="65312" linkedTo="20" d="M184,386C212.8,382.8 248.37982762484816,379.27002872919195 256,378C263.6201723751518,376.72997127080805 266.8,373.8 274,371" points="184,386, 256,378, 274,371," arrow="false"/>
      <path id="86513" linkedTo="22" d="M412,444C400,423.2 395.8094054638514,408.3027703392690430277033926905 382,392C368.1905945361486,375.69722966073095 356.0537790870935,372.4772466410168 340,359C323.9462209129065,345.5227533589832 307.6126526860142561265268601426,330.73741971782584 301,324C294.38734731398574,317.2625802821741526258028217416 292.6,312.6 287,305" points="412,444, 382,392, 340,359, 301,324, 287,305,"/>
      <path id="51170" linkedTo="21" d="M326,439C313.6,422.2 307.17433807575094,413.9642415809644 295,397C282.82566192424906,380.0357584190356 269.6063898566210360638985662104,371.6244481470717 265,354C260.39361014337896,336.3755518529283 269.2,327 272,309" points="326,439, 295,397, 265,354, 272,309,"/>
      <path id="64264" linkedTo="23" d="M466,437C449.2,422.2 440.7247282093186,414.8850081062935 424,400C407.2752717906814,385.1149918937065 384.4658372234374,363.3301290156839 366,348C347.5341627765626,332.6698709843161 327.6428119084121,330.4471184334840344711843348404 318,312C308.3571880915879,293.55288156651596 319.2,280.8 320,260" points="466,437, 424,400, 366,348, 318,312, 320,260,"/>
      <path id="74840" linkedTo="24" d="M732,439C704,355.79999999999995 690,314.2000000000000420000000000005 662,231" points="732,439, 662,231,"/>
  <problem id="20" name="Gas cylinder" fa="Dave Humphries" grade="V2" length="" number="1." extra="(Hang)" stars="">Start on the two left most flats heel hooking the arete, follow the jugs on the rail then finish up White bread. There are a range of variations for this, some harder some easier.</problem>
  <problem id="21" name="White Bread" fa="Dave Humphries" grade="V1" length="" number="2." extra="(SDS)" stars="">Start on jug and crimp. Stop at the big flat jug.</problem>
  <problem id="22" name="Sausages" fa="Dave Humphries" grade="V3" length="" number="3." extra="(SDS)" stars="***">Classic roof jugging. Start on the slope and gaston, to finish on the outside of the White bread jug.</problem>
  <problem id="23" name="" fa="" grade="V?" length="" number="4." extra="(SDS)" stars=""/>
  <problem id="24" name="Project" fa="" grade="V4?" length="" number="5." extra="(SDS)" stars=""/>
  <text class="text" id="25">Twenty metres to the right is the low bulge of the salad bar.</text>
  <image id="29" width="600" height="338" src="Salad_bar_med.jpg">
      <path id="27322" linkedTo="28" d="M283,109" points="283,109,"/>
  <problem id="28" name="Salad bar" fa="Dave Humphries" grade="VE" length="" number="6." extra="" stars="">Easy mantle problems your elbows will thank you for.&lt;br/&gt;Same problem three different methods. 1. Stand and pop into a mantle. 2. Hang and push straight up into the mantle. 3. Hang then heel up and roll into the mantle.&lt;br/&gt;</problem>
  <text class="heading3" id="12">The Firewall</text>
  <image id="5" legend="true" width="600" height="450" src="20170923_163959.jpg">
      <path id="2248" linkedTo="6" d="M365,276C311.4,238 254.9197246013493191972460134932,189.09980092320822 231,181C207.08027539865068,172.90019907679178 187.45475637120964,205.72715722528994 176,212C164.54524362879036,218.27284277471006 158.6,221 147,227" points="365,276, 231,181, 176,212, 147,227," lineStyle="solid"/>
      <path id="43935" linkedTo="7" d="M532,277C518.8,205 525.0217643030222,132.36760922875558 499,97C472.9782356969778,61.63239077124442 427.05154527843024,80.80265852927252 390,84C352.94845472156976,87.19734147072748 333.9090587091674,98.43940964182575 302,114C270.0909412908326,129.56059035817424 260.5343224576865,160.98062826124703 228,163C195.46567754231347,165.01937173875297 172.67834952049398,127.51988454644872 157,123C141.32165047950602,118.48011545355128 133,127.8 117,131" points="532,277, 499,97, 390,84, 302,114, 228,163, 157,123, 117,131,"/>
  <problem id="6" name="Extinguisher" fa="H. Jackson" grade="V5" length="" number="7." extra="(Stand)" stars="*">Right to left traverse finishing in corner</problem>
  <problem id="7" name="Extinguisher upper variant" fa="T Anderson" grade="V5" length="" number="8." extra="(Stand)" stars="*">Right to left traverse starting in black corner, folllow high horizontals, finishing on high jugs on Glowing Embers.</problem>
  <image id="9" legend="true" width="600" height="450" src="20170923_164005.jpg">
      <path id="75699" linkedTo="10" d="M114,359C159.58670188290023,329.7929355901764579293559017646 189.5827678450517,317.85089958914403 226,283C262.4172321549483,248.1491004108559614910041085594 254.63398046441313,202.97098703965642 300,181C345.3660195355869,159.02901296034358 416.44924358404404,178.26928994570736 449,175C481.55075641595596,171.73071005429264 497,164.799999999999988 529,158" points="114,359, 226,283, 300,181, 449,175, 529,158,"/>
      <path id="6171" linkedTo="11" d="M130,359C175.58670188290023,329.7929355901764579293559017646 216.70081785124495,295.397787358676339778735867634 249,287C281.29918214875505,278.602212641323760221264132366 296.9408115179770694081151797707,311.5661862544231 330,307C363.05918848202293,302.4338137455769 403.3838718876297638387188762977,272.77319471214986 430,262C456.61612811237023,251.22680528785014 476.4034398209924,257.922700347321 498,239C519.5965601790076,220.07729965267902 520.2,197.6 535,170" points="130,359, 249,287, 330,307, 430,262, 498,239, 535,170,"/>
  <problem id="10" name="Backburner" fa="T. Anderson" grade="V3" length="" number="9." extra="(SDS)" stars="***">Left to right traverse, through prow using edges finishing on jug.</problem>
  <problem id="11" name="Cinderella" fa="H. Jackson" grade="V5" length="" number="10." extra="(SDS)" stars="*">Low traverse around prow, finishing as per Backburner. Careful not to lose left slipper!</problem>
  <text class="heading3" id="30">The Coloseum</text>
  <text class="text" id="31">The Colosseum offers a large range of steep roof problems under the and around the climbs. If you can carry your mat for 40 mins it is worth a visit. See the climbing guide for directions.</text>
  <text class="text" id="33">I have put these images, Garry (or someone else that knows) can you correct and add the details?</text>
  <image id="34" width="600" height="338" src="Coloseum 1.jpg"/>
  <problem id="38" name="" fa="" grade="v?" length="" number="11." extra="" stars=""/>
  <image id="35" width="600" height="338" src="Coloseum 2.jpg"/>
  <problem id="39" name="" fa="" grade="v?" length="" number="12." extra="" stars=""/>
  <image id="36" width="600" height="338" src="Coloseum 3.jpg"/>
  <problem id="41" name="" fa="" grade="v?" length="" number="13." extra="" stars=""/>
  <problem id="42" name="" fa="" grade="V?" length="" number="14." extra="" stars=""/>
  <problem id="43" name="" fa="" grade="V?" length="" number="15." extra="" stars=""/>
  <image id="37" width="800" height="450" src="Coloseum 5a.jpg"/>
  <problem id="44" name="" fa="" grade="V?" length="" number="16." extra="" stars=""/>
  <problem id="45" name="" fa="" grade="V?" length="" number="17." extra="" stars=""/>
  <problem id="46" name="" fa="" grade="V?" length="" number="18." extra="" stars=""/>
  <text id="51" class="heading3">Panopticon</text>
  <text id="52" class="text">Problems here may be more scattered than at other areas, and the steep approach may deter some. However there are some good boulders that scrub up well with plenty more to be added for those willing.</text>
  <text id="62" class="text">This first boulder is located at the base of the crag where you arrive following the tapes/cairns.</text>
  <image id="59" src="panopticon 1.jpg" height="600" width="800">
      <path id="62294" points="688,218, 396,324, 119,354," d="M688,218C571.2,260.40000000000003 504.39470903652466,298.09195003696425 396,324C287.60529096347534,349.90804996303575 229.8,342 119,354" labelText="19" arrow="true"/>
  <problem id="54" stars="**" extra="(SDS)" number="19." name="The Gaoler" length="" grade="V0" fa="D. Lehmann &amp; N. Bisas. September 2017">Start low on the arete, moving on to the face. Nice moves</problem>
  <text id="63" class="text">This steep boulder is about 20 metres down the hill and to left of the base of the routes.</text>
  <image id="57" src="panopticon 2.jpg" height="600" width="800" printLayout="DontRotate">
      <path id="97733" points="238,360, 386,246, 600,309," d="M238,360C297.2,314.4 312.0045666963167,256.42477099029793 386,246C459.9954333036833,235.57522900970207 514.4,283.8 600,309" arrow="true" labelText="20"/>
  <problem id="58" stars="***" extra="(SDS)" number="20." name="Heterotopia" length="" grade="V3" fa="D.Lehmann September 2017">Start on low crimps and move left into the diagonal cracks and up. Brilliant!</problem>
  <text id="64" class="text">This line is just past the obvious roof, visible to the left of the routes and the boulder above.</text>
  <image id="60" src="panopticon 3.jpg" height="600" width="800">
      <path id="84062" points="790,82, 329,329, 240,479, 72,512," d="M790,82C605.6,180.8 385.5690726968896,288.1674147987906 329,329C272.4309273031104,369.8325852012094 295.78645870697295,439.27656831371183 240,479C184.21354129302705,518.7234316862881 139.2,498.8 72,512" labelText="21" arrow="true"/>
  <problem id="61" stars="**" extra="(Stand)" number="21." name="Brindled Coat" length="" grade="V1" fa="N. Bisas.  September 2017">Fun moves up the slab to the crack under the roof, follow this up and over.</problem>