  <header id="1" autonumber="false" camping="" access="The developed crags are on publicly owned Forestry and Crown land. The public land extends as far south as the Panopticon, but further south than that it&apos;s private. The range of hills to the north of the Colosseum is the southern boundary of the Buckland Military Training Area - stay out! &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Please don&apos;t jeopardise access:&lt;br/&gt;* Don&apos;t explore, climb or develop in the Military Training Area, or on private land without previously negotiating access with the landowners&lt;br/&gt;* Don&apos;t block the roads, it really pisses people off. And don&apos;t leave any valuables in your car, as theft and vandalism here is a distinct possibility (although it hasn&apos;t happened yet). &lt;br/&gt;* There are many obvious bird roosts on the cliffs, and Peregrine Falcons and Wedge Tail Eagles frequent the area. If you find a raptor nesting, keep away from the nest and out of line of sight, and let the climbing community know on thesarvo.com or the CCT facebook group.&lt;br/&gt;* No fires &lt;br/&gt;* Keep dogs under effective control&lt;br/&gt;* Leave any fixed or stashed gear exactly as you found it - it all belongs to someone working hard to develop the crag.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;To get to Sand River:&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Drive to Buckland, about 60km NE of Hobart on the A3, then turn left on the C318. After 3km, turn turn right onto Sand River Rd. About 8km along this the road takes a sharp left land turn, with some dirt tracks coming off it. This takes a bit under an hour from Hobart.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Access to the bouldering areas are from two car parks:&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Barbecue car park: Take the left hand track. Only goes about 100m before a small car park (3 cars)&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Main car park: Take the right hand sandy track. If you have the clearance drive along this for another 500m to a flat clear parking area before it heads down hill, otherwise park at the start. " history="" intro="Bouldering at Sand River will likely be extensive. To date most of the problems are at the base of existing steep climbing areas. " acknowledgement="" rock="Sandstone" sun="Mostly sunny" walk="10-40 mins" name="Sand River"/>
  <gps id="84">
    <point pid="2" description="Turn off the main dirt road" latitude="-42.51501" longitude="147.70996" easting="558320" northing="5292795" zone="55G"/>
    <point pid="3" description="Main car park (If you have clearance)" latitude="-42.51722" longitude="147.71470" easting="558708" northing="5292547" zone="55G"/>
    <point pid="4" description="Split between BBQ and Main car parks" latitude="-42.51479" longitude="147.71069" easting="558381" northing="5292819" zone="55G"/>
    <point pid="5" description="Barbecue car park" latitude="-42.51236" longitude="147.71165" easting="558462" northing="5293089" zone="55G"/>
    <point pid="6" description="Firewall" latitude="-42.51747" longitude="147.71856" easting="559025" northing="5292516" zone="55G"/>
    <point pid="7" description="Panopticon (start of crag)" latitude="-42.52171" longitude="147.72235" easting="559332" northing="5292043" zone="55G"/>
    <point pid="8" description="The coloseum " latitude="-42.51538" longitude="147.72564" easting="559608" northing="5292743" zone="55G"/>
    <point pid="9" description="Eldorado (approximate position)" latitude="-42.51639" longitude="147.72381" easting="559457" northing="5292633" zone="55G"/>
    <point pid="10" description="Barbecue cave (approximate position)" latitude="-42.51237" longitude="147.71103" easting="558411" northing="5293088" zone="55G"/>
    <polyline pid="11" description="Panopticon track (approx.)">-42.517299,147.714765 -42.520937,147.717276 -42.520937,147.721524 -42.521633,147.722318</polyline>
    <polyline pid="12" description="Firewall track (approx.)">-42.518122,147.715334 -42.518145,147.715892 -42.518351,147.716707 -42.518137,147.717383 -42.518193,147.717522 -42.518098,147.71763 -42.51824,147.718027 -42.518114,147.71807 -42.518264,147.718488 -42.518122,147.718531 -42.518114,147.71926 -42.517845,147.71926 -42.517679,147.719218 -42.517449,147.718574</polyline>
    <polyline pid="13" description="Coloseum track (approx.)">-42.517695,147.719239 -42.517829,147.719829 -42.51756,147.720773 -42.51624,147.721159 -42.515283,147.722136 -42.514555,147.723016 -42.514294,147.724078 -42.514278,147.724968 -42.514318,147.725397 -42.514342,147.725708 -42.514745,147.725698 -42.514911,147.725526 -42.515172,147.725451 -42.51537,147.725548</polyline>
    <polyline pid="14" description="Eldorado track (approx.)">-42.515385,147.725564 -42.515302,147.725129 -42.515215,147.724727 -42.515271,147.724367 -42.515457,147.724131 -42.515666,147.723987 -42.515915,147.723976 -42.516216,147.723933 -42.516323,147.723906 -42.516382,147.723809</polyline>
  <text class="heading3" id="14">Barbecue</text>
  <text class="text" id="15">After turning off the dirt road take the left fork for about 100m. Park at the flat area (room for about 3 cars).&lt;br/&gt;Walk along the track until you get to the boulder sitting on an outcrop above the road. Head down hill for about 30m here then turn left towards the obvious overhangs.</text>
  <text class="indentedHeader" id="16">Sandy cave is the first cave you pass. This cave is unusually sandy for Sand River but looks to clean up ok. Plenty of slopey roof problems and small iron rich bands.</text>
  <text class="text" id="17">Past the sandy cave is an expanse of the usual superb Sand River rock.</text>
  <image id="77" width="700" height="467" src="BBQ 2.jpg" legend="true" legendTitle="Barbecue left side">
      <path id="94911" points="196,334, 198,292, 198,232, 211,188," d="M196,334C196.8,317.2 197.67027834159472,308.8158045786688 198,292C198.32972165840528,275.1841954213312 195.72370070914687,250.21039432682502 198,232C200.27629929085313,213.78960567317498 205.8,205.6 211,188" arrow="true" linkedTo="78"/>
      <path id="64317" points="269,359, 287,270, 273,185, 240,129," d="M269,359C276.2,323.4 286.20806921755207,304.44898903648425 287,270C287.79193078244793,235.55101096351575 281.2219219164378,209.66576574931335 273,185C264.7780780835622,160.33423425068665 253.2,151.4 240,129" arrow="true" linkedTo="79"/>
      <path id="67445" points="413,304, 417,228, 422,137, 403,78, 378,55," d="M413,304C414.6,273.6 415.3617863352295,258.3979646685195 417,228C418.6382136647705,197.60203533148052 424.3040507768658,161.6862583235618 422,137C419.6959492231342,112.3137416764382 409.42475581620977,89.97340856657279 403,78C396.57524418379023,66.02659143342721 388,64.2 378,55" linkedTo="80"/>
  <problem id="78" stars="" extra="(SDS)" number="1." name="" length="" grade="V3" fa="">Low sit start with the lowest chalk crimps. Climb the arete to finish on a large flat jug at the base of the headwall.</problem>
  <problem id="79" stars="" extra="(SDS)" number="2." name="" length="" grade="V?" fa="">Climb the crack from a sit start. Unclimbed project?</problem>
  <problem id="80" stars="**" extra="(Stand)" number="3." name="On one Knee" length="" grade="V6" fa="M Hitchcock 2017">Stand start with good crimps. Big and committing moves, but a great landing. Finish on the chalked jug on the high horizontal break.</problem>
  <image id="19" width="1000" height="563" src="Barbecue topo_med.jpg" legend="true" legendTitle="Barbecue main cave">
      <path id="65312" linkedTo="20" d="M184,386C212.8,382.8 248.37982762484816,379.27002872919195 256,378C263.6201723751518,376.72997127080805 266.8,373.8 274,371" points="184,386, 256,378, 274,371," arrow="false"/>
      <path id="86513" linkedTo="22" d="M405,447C394.2,427.4 392.819033894398,414.7689067752398 378,398C363.180966105602,381.2310932247602 343.0688335821802,372.8384087459809 329,361C314.9311664178198,349.1615912540191 305.454122802048,337.9565373914139 296,329C286.545877197952,320.0434626085861 275.2028660250442,319.6230602163508 272,307" points="405,447, 378,398, 329,361, 296,329, 272,307,"/>
      <path id="51170" linkedTo="21" d="M326,439C313.6,422.2 307.17433807575094,413.9642415809644 295,397C282.82566192424906,380.0357584190356 269.60638985662104,371.6244481470717 265,354C260.39361014337896,336.3755518529283 275.2028660250442,321.6230602163508 272,309" points="326,439, 295,397, 265,354, 272,309,"/>
      <path id="64264" linkedTo="23" d="M466,437C449.2,422.2 434.6470653233649,410.6470653233649 424,400C413.3529346766351,389.3529346766351 411.2111489852239,381.05137495226967 400,371C388.7888510147761,360.94862504773033 379.3280708216732,357.5897094936429 366,348C352.6719291783268,338.4102905063571 327.6428119084121,330.44711843348404 318,312C308.3571880915879,293.55288156651596 319.2,280.8 320,260" points="466,437, 424,400, 400,371, 366,348, 318,312, 320,260,"/>
      <path id="74840" linkedTo="24" d="M720,450C698.8,412 672.3015950202968,382.70510946090565 667,355C661.6984049797032,327.29489053909435 690.8155486953904,311.80386067289646 689,288C687.1844513046096,264.19613932710354 670.4,257.4 658,237" points="720,450, 667,355, 689,288, 658,237,"/>
      <path id="46942" points="573,459, 585,423, 523,358, 547,242," d="M573,459C577.8,444.6 591.7342972746007,436.60328049469337 585,423C578.2657027253993,409.39671950530663 530.3825882697064,393.16443360044343 523,358C515.6174117302936,322.83556639955657 537.4,288.40000000000003 547,242" linkedTo="82"/>
      <path id="22317" points="533,458, 484,368, 443,362, 407,317, 396,278, 371,249," d="M533,458C513.4,422 495.3361049971883,380.09184533033414 484,368C472.6638950028117,355.90815466966586 456.81851417898787,371.15252237829066 443,362C429.18148582101213,352.84747762170934 414.9144677511589,331.14500619356056 407,317C399.0855322488411,302.85499380643944 403.1658650295426,291.5355228335805 396,278C388.8341349704574,264.4644771664195 381,260.6 371,249" linkedTo="81"/>
  <problem id="20" name="Gas cylinder" fa="Dave Humphries" grade="V2" length="" number="4." extra="(Hang)" stars="">Start on the two left most flats heel hooking the arete, follow the jugs on the rail then finish up White bread. There are a range of variations for this, some harder some easier.</problem>
  <problem id="21" name="White Bread" fa="Dave Humphries" grade="V1" length="" number="5." extra="(SDS)" stars="">Start on jug and crimp. Stop at the big flat jug.</problem>
  <problem id="22" name="Sausages" fa="Dave Humphries" grade="V3" length="" number="6." extra="(SDS)" stars="***">Classic roof jugging. Start on the slope and gaston, to finish on the outside of the White bread jug.</problem>
  <problem id="23" name="Babakiueria" fa="M Hitchcock 2017" grade="V5" length="" number="7." extra="(SDS)" stars="*">Sit start with jug and sloper. Somewhat contrived (skip the good holds on Sausages), but good moves nonetheless.</problem>
  <problem id="81" stars="" extra="(SDS)" number="8." name="Unclimbed line" length="" grade="V?" fa="">Sit start on slopers and crimps. Head directly through the roof to gain a good hold on the lip (dark streak). Throw left to the finishing jug.&lt;br/&gt;Probably around V8.</problem>
  <problem id="82" stars="" extra="(SDS)" number="9." name="Unclimbed line" length="" grade="V?" fa="">Sit start with crimps and slopes. Head out the roof and slightly left. From the holds on the lip, throw up to the horizontal. Somewhat contrived in that you can easy divert into #10.&lt;br/&gt;Probably around V7</problem>
  <problem id="24" name="" fa="" grade="V4" length="" number="10." extra="(SDS)" stars="*">Sit start with jug. Finish on horizontal flat hold on the break.</problem>
  <text class="text" id="25">Twenty metres to the right is the low bulge of the salad bar.</text>
  <image id="29" width="600" height="338" src="Salad_bar_med.jpg" legend="true" legendx="6" legendy="6">
      <path id="27322" linkedTo="28" d="M296,129C286.4,116.6 281.6,110.4 272,98" points="296,129, 272,98," arrow="true"/>
  <problem id="28" name="Salad bar" fa="Dave Humphries" grade="VE" length="" number="11." extra="" stars="">Easy mantle problems your elbows will thank you for.&lt;br/&gt;Same problem three different methods. 1. Stand and pop into a mantle. 2. Hang and push straight up into the mantle. 3. Hang then heel up and roll into the mantle.&lt;br/&gt;</problem>
  <text class="heading3" id="12">The Firewall</text>
  <text id="83" class="text">To access the Firewall: From the main car park, walk down the old fire trail for about 50m, and then follow a red taped track off left through the bracken then down the spur line (as for the Colosseum). The spur ends at the top of a small cliff (Riverside) just above the river. The left side of the Firewall area is visible about 100m to the north (left as you face downhill). The red taped track to the Colosseum descends to the river to the north of Riverside. Part way along this descent, a yellow taped track leads about 100 metres across north to the Firewall. Overall it’s about a ten minute walk from the car park.</text>
  <image id="5" legend="true" width="600" height="450" src="20170923_163959.jpg">
      <path id="2248" linkedTo="6" d="M365,276C311.4,238 254.91972460134932,189.09980092320822 231,181C207.08027539865068,172.90019907679178 187.45475637120964,205.72715722528994 176,212C164.54524362879036,218.27284277471006 158.6,221 147,227" points="365,276, 231,181, 176,212, 147,227," lineStyle="solid"/>
      <path id="43935" linkedTo="7" d="M532,277C518.8,205 525.0217643030222,132.36760922875558 499,97C472.9782356969778,61.63239077124442 427.05154527843024,80.80265852927252 390,84C352.94845472156976,87.19734147072748 333.9090587091674,98.43940964182575 302,114C270.0909412908326,129.56059035817424 260.5343224576865,160.98062826124703 228,163C195.46567754231347,165.01937173875297 172.67834952049398,127.51988454644872 157,123C141.32165047950602,118.48011545355128 133,127.8 117,131" points="532,277, 499,97, 390,84, 302,114, 228,163, 157,123, 117,131,"/>
  <problem id="6" name="Extinguisher" fa="H. Jackson" grade="V5" length="" number="1" extra="(Stand)" stars="*">Right to left traverse finishing in corner</problem>
  <problem id="7" name="Extinguisher upper variant" fa="T Anderson" grade="V5" length="" number="2" extra="(Stand)" stars="*">Right to left traverse starting in black corner, folllow high horizontals, finishing on high jugs on Glowing Embers.</problem>
  <image id="9" legend="true" width="600" height="450" src="20170923_164005.jpg">
      <path id="75699" linkedTo="10" d="M114,359C159.58670188290023,329.79293559017646 189.5827678450517,317.85089958914403 226,283C262.4172321549483,248.14910041085597 254.63398046441313,202.97098703965642 300,181C345.3660195355869,159.02901296034358 416.44924358404404,178.26928994570736 449,175C481.55075641595596,171.73071005429264 497,164.8 529,158" points="114,359, 226,283, 300,181, 449,175, 529,158,"/>
      <path id="6171" linkedTo="11" d="M130,359C175.58670188290023,329.79293559017646 216.70081785124495,295.3977873586763 249,287C281.29918214875505,278.6022126413237 296.94081151797707,311.5661862544231 330,307C363.05918848202293,302.4338137455769 403.38387188762977,272.77319471214986 430,262C456.61612811237023,251.22680528785014 476.4034398209924,257.922700347321 498,239C519.5965601790076,220.07729965267902 520.2,197.6 535,170" points="130,359, 249,287, 330,307, 430,262, 498,239, 535,170,"/>
  <problem id="10" name="Backburner" fa="T. Anderson" grade="V3" length="" number="3" extra="(SDS)" stars="***">Left to right traverse, through prow using edges finishing on jug.</problem>
  <problem id="11" name="Cinderella" fa="H. Jackson" grade="V5" length="" number="4" extra="(SDS)" stars="*">Low traverse around prow, finishing as per Backburner. Careful not to lose left slipper!</problem>
  <text class="heading3" id="30">The Coloseum</text>
  <text class="text" id="31">The Colosseum offers a large range of steep roof problems under the and around the climbs. If you can carry your mat for 40 mins it is worth a visit. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;To access the Colosseum: From the main car park, approach as per the Firewall, but keep going past Riverside Crag down to the river, then follow the tapes north up the river for about a kilometre through the dense forest which is surprisingly easy walking. Once you're down in the river bed you can't see much, but you will get glimpses of the west facing slabby cliffs up to the right (the left end is Eldorado). Keep following the tapes upstream to where the cliff changes direction to face north, and take the right fork of the stream. Cross the stream and follow the tapes up the hill, arriving under the massive roof of Crossing the Rubicon, about 35-45 mins walk from the car, depending on your speed.</text>
  <image id="34" width="600" height="338" src="Coloseum 1.jpg" legend="true">
      <path id="43541" points="243,258, 197,22," d="M243,258C224.60000000000002,163.59999999999997 215.39999999999998,116.40000000000002 197,22" linkedTo="72"/>
  <problem id="72" stars="***" extra="" number="1" name="" length="" grade="V5" fa="G Phillips">&lt;br/&gt;Starts on jug in the roof then pulls to crimps and mantles to the top&lt;br/&gt;Classic</problem>
  <image id="35" width="600" height="338" src="Coloseum 2.jpg" legend="true">
      <path id="84503" points="246,238, 235,22," d="M246,238C241.6,151.60000000000002 239.4,108.39999999999999 235,22" linkedTo="73"/>
  <problem id="73" stars="*" extra="" number="2" name="" length="" grade="V5" fa="C Hylander">Stand start to topping out</problem>
  <image id="36" width="600" height="338" src="Coloseum 3.jpg">
      <path id="24114" points="195,185, 226,145, 271,96, 284,47," d="M195,185C207.4,169 212.85484701151773,160.39366599967 226,145C239.14515298848227,129.60633400033 260.67195680444604,113.45083160628087 271,96C281.32804319555396,78.54916839371913 278.8,66.60000000000001 284,47"/>
  <problem id="39" name="" fa="" grade="v?" length="" number="3" extra="" stars=""/>
  <problem id="41" name="" fa="" grade="V9" length="" number="4" extra="(SDS)" stars="**">Start at the back on double underclings at right hand end of the first roof section (4m left of the climb "Caligula"). Climb out and right on large pinches and slopes to finish on the jugs around the corner.</problem>
  <image id="37" width="800" height="450" src="Coloseum 5a.jpg" legend="true">
      <path id="85947" points="517,266, 536,235, 523,206, 550,130, 511,63," d="M517,266C524.6,253.6 534.7350889359326,247.6491106406735 536,235C537.2649110640674,222.3508893593265 528.2061759336011,215.85168676666046 523,206C517.7938240663989,196.14831323333954 552.5930964082856,160.90106553207085 550,130C547.4069035917144,99.09893446792917 526.6,89.8 511,63" linkedTo="43"/>
      <path id="4200" points="497,265, 520,235, 510,209, 441,217, 379,210, 368,118," d="M497,265C506.2,253 517.4803021096972,245.8540832197659 520,235C522.5196978903028,224.1459167802341 515.2061759336011,218.85168676666046 510,209C504.79382406639894,199.14831323333954 465.95683685609595,216.80948979499163 441,217C416.04316314390405,217.19051020500837 393.8117232646109,230.08713155063668 379,210C364.1882767353891,189.91286844936332 372.4,154.8 368,118" linkedTo="42"/>
      <path id="4631" points="163,271, 208,266, 263,251, 303,176," d="M163,271C181,269 190.2409286452074,269.5518142709585 208,266C225.7590713547926,262.4481857290415 246.44573180051628,266.6829909258267 263,251C279.5542681994837,235.3170090741733 287,206 303,176" linkedTo="75"/>
      <path id="43448" points="134,257, 89,188, 76,49," d="M134,257C116,229.4 97.85057565196712,219.73999544153727 89,188C80.14942434803288,156.26000455846273 81.2,104.6 76,49" linkedTo="76"/>
      <path id="96835" points="" d=""/>
  <problem id="76" stars="*" extra="" number="5" name="" length="" grade="V6" fa="G phillips">Straight out to finish in the big dish above the lip .</problem>
  <problem id="75" stars="**" extra="" number="6" name="" length="" grade="V8" fa="C hylander">Same start as the v6 but head right. Jump to lip and finish on jugs on the head wall</problem>
  <problem id="42" name="" fa="G phillips" grade="V5" length="" number="7" extra="" stars="*">Same start as the v7 but at the lip traverse left along the lip and up to jugs</problem>
  <problem id="43" name="" fa="C hylander" grade="V7" length="" number="8" extra="" stars="***">Sit start.&lt;br/&gt;Out through roof to the lip . Then up to jug.</problem>
  <problem id="44" name="" fa="" grade="V?" length="" number="9" extra="" stars=""/>
  <problem id="45" name="" fa="" grade="V?" length="" number="10" extra="" stars=""/>
  <problem id="46" name="" fa="" grade="V?" length="" number="11" extra="" stars=""/>
  <text id="65" class="heading3">Eldorado</text>
  <text id="66" class="text">The prominent freestanding boulder visible from the base of the crag. Requires a short but sweet jaunt through the bracken.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Access via the Coloseum, then walk around the cliff to climbers right. ~200m (approximate!)</text>
  <image id="67" width="400" height="533" src="eldorado 1 edit 1.jpg" legend="true">
      <path id="30315" points="" d=""/>
      <path id="7077" points="265,411, 204,281, 185,178," d="M265,411C240.6,359 217.60499233279057,320.62454016925255 204,281C190.39500766720943,241.37545983074745 192.6,219.2 185,178" linkedTo="68" arrow="true"/>
  <problem id="68" stars="***" extra="(SDS)" number="1" name="La Cantina" length="" grade="V0" fa="D. Lehmann &amp; N. Bisas September 2017">Low start. Great moves all the way!</problem>
  <text id="69" class="text">The next boulder is 20 metres behind the one above.</text>
  <image id="70" src="eldorado 2 edit.jpg" height="533" width="400" legend="true">
      <path id="23819" points="204,410, 189,276, 202,177," d="M204,410C198,356.4 189.34281960198035,315.9384836307101 189,276C188.65718039801965,236.0615163692899 196.8,216.60000000000002 202,177" linkedTo="71" arrow="true"/>
  <problem id="71" stars="***" extra="(SDS)" number="2" name="Neozapatista" length="" grade="V2" fa="D. Lehmann &amp; N. Bisas September 2017">Classic.</problem>
  <text id="51" class="heading3">Panopticon</text>
  <text id="52" class="text">Problems here may be more scattered than at other areas, and the steep approach may deter some. However there are some good problems that scrub up well with probably more to be added in the area.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;To access the Panopticon: it's in the next valley to the south of the Colosseum, to the SE of the main parking area. Walk down the old logging track from the car park right down till the track turns to the right. Veer off left and follow a taped line down to the creek and then straight up the hillside the other side to the base of the cliff. The crag is the first major buttress to the left, about 30 mins walk from the car.&lt;br/&gt;</text>
  <text id="62" class="text">This first boulder is located at the base of the crag where you arrive following the tapes/cairns.</text>
  <image id="59" src="panopticon 1.jpg" height="533" width="400" legend="true">
      <path id="71834" points="257,431, 245,291, 225,184, 223,102," d="M257,431C252.20000000000002,375 250.59421852441218,334.18037423530654 245,291C239.40578147558782,247.81962576469346 228.79351134866334,216.58971113169864 225,184C221.20648865133666,151.41028886830136 223.8,134.8 223,102" linkedTo="54" arrow="true"/>
  <problem id="54" stars="**" extra="(SDS)" number="1" name="The Gaoler" length="" grade="V0" fa="D. Lehmann &amp; N. Bisas. September 2017">Start low on the arete, moving on to the face. Nice moves</problem>
  <text id="63" class="text">This steep boulder is about 20 metres down the hill and to left of the base of the routes.</text>
  <image id="57" src="panopticon 2.jpg" height="533" width="400" printLayout="DontRotate" legend="true">
      <path id="37042" points="212,411, 221,340, 199,246, 194,139," d="M212,411C215.6,382.6 223.24851301118775,368.53881898815223 221,340C218.75148698881225,311.46118101184777 204.14105626487392,284.2723077496171 199,246C193.85894373512608,207.72769225038292 196,181.8 194,139" arrow="true" linkedTo="58"/>
  <problem id="58" stars="***" extra="(SDS)" number="2" name="Heterotopia" length="" grade="V3" fa="D.Lehmann September 2017">Start on low crimps and ascend the steep face with the assistance of the diagonal crack. Brilliant!</problem>
  <text id="64" class="text">This line is just past the obvious roof, visible to the left of the routes and the boulder above.</text>
  <image id="60" src="panopticon 3.jpg" height="533" width="400" legend="true">
      <path id="92947" points="377,480, 340,341, 181,249, 152,90," d="M377,480C362.2,424.4 377.224543396436,384.8717832886567 340,341C302.775456603564,297.1282167113433 219.7565321878601,300.74409350613234 181,249C142.2434678121399,197.25590649386766 163.6,153.60000000000002 152,90" arrow="true" linkedTo="61"/>
  <problem id="61" stars="**" extra="(Stand)" number="3" name="Brindled Coat" length="" grade="V0" fa="N. Bisas.  September 2017">Fun moves up the slab to the crack under the roof, follow this up and over.</problem>